Well, well, well! Where to begin? There were reasons I did not keep up with my blog. Life can sometimes just get in the way! And it sure did!
I have been a person that just goes with the flow and never gives up. My husband had been working in ND and living in an appartment out there. I was here at home continuing to work and run my daycare business here in MN. The lawn was out of control with lots of grass clippings after we hired a lawn care service. He went on a mission trip and I was to mow the lawn while he was gone which was okay. The lawn mower broke down and it took a couple weeks to get the repairs done.
I found that I was just whipped all the time tired as can be. There was so much to do and having a garden too. Shopping for food, cleaning the house just got to be last thing on the plate during the end of the day to the end of summer. Outside looked great and inside was looking like a daycare house. It NEVER looked like that before. The lawn NEVER looked like this before!
Our lawn service brought a grass container to bag the clippings. His bagger was not working. He spent hours leaf blowing the grass to the back yard. It then was stuck on the tall ragweed that bordered the yard. It looked awful too. So the kids and I racked the lawn! All 2 acres that we mow. We were finally getting somewhere! So I thought this is why I was so tired and no energy left at end of the evenings.
I was doing Jillian Michaels' Shredding the pounds, lawn work, garden work, cooking and making sure that we had fun too during our days. I had a yeast infection that would not go away. So I finally went to the doctor in September and said "Hey, let's get rid of this!" That visit turned into a few returned trips for blood work and in October I found that I had diabetes! My A1C was 9.5%! I was dehydrated and miserable being tired and running to empty my bladder.
While we were waiting for those test results on a Sunday afternoon I was playing on my iPad looking up all kinds of things. IBS was one of those things. Irriatable Bowel Syndrom! Yes that too on top of everything else. I have had that for 30+ years and have never given up. I won't even start on all the places that I have gone to for help with this! THAT COULD BE A BOOK IN ITSELF!
I found a place on line that came up just for this purpose!
I read the testimonies and my husband asked if I wrote those? So after some talking and a little arguement I had an appointment booked for Nov 5th! In SEATTLE, WASHINGTON!!! So I asked my mom if she wanted to go on a trip for her birthday and we went! (Yes, I am a TWILIGHT FAN and even went to FORKS!!!)
I am a so glad that I went and there is so much to this story. Not only was the lawn out of control so was my own life. It was unraveling fast! Diabetes diagnosis, after I have been doing Herbalife shakes for a year, then switched to Visalus Shakes. Eating right and started a journey in 2009 to loose weight. I had lost 30#'s and was just stuck for 2 years! WHY? I eat well! I have been excercising! Growing a garden, doing raking, playing with kids! There was always more questions. My stomach was growing in the abdomen area instead of going down after doing Jillian's workout! Grrr! Life is just NOT FAIR!
To recap:
May-Sept kept getting Yeast Infections. Went to the Doctor and diagnosed with Diabetes.
October: Started metering my blood sugars, IBS kept getting worse off an on.
November: Trip to Seattle, WA to see IBS specialist Mailed one DNA test to Atlanta and a blood test in Seattle. Still trying to get sugar levels under control. Went to a class on How to Stablize Blood Sugar levels.
December: Test results in from Seattle and I cried like a baby! The DNA profile of my GI tract was right on with the bacteria and enzymes! There was nothing wrong there. I thought I would have parasites or some ungodly imbalance with the good bacterias or an overgrowth of yeast. ALL CLEAR!
Food Allergy results: Wheat, Gluten, Garlic,
ALL DAIRY: every cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheddar, you name it. Biggest culprit; EGGS! Plus being diabetic to boot! What the hell am I suppose to eat? I have to have carbs, I WANT PIZZA on FRiDAY evenings, I want to have ICE CREAM, too! do you say; life is going to hell in a hand basket?! Spirialling out of control, wizzing past me faster than the ND speed limit at 75 miles an hour! Please God take way the wheat and gluten but NOT THE DAIRY! If you have ever wanted in your life to see a grown 51 year old woman cry on the floor kicking and screaming about Pizza it was FRIDAY NIGHT January 4th! Third day of not having one single bite of that allery stuff! I am here to say that I made it through it! We got Buffalo Wild Wings and had salad and it was fantastic, except they were too HOT.
Future postings will have ideas of how to move forward! I will share recipes and thoughts from books that I am reading and focusing on for Lisa will Gleam in 2013! You mean blaze, glow, shine, be radiant?! Just watch and wait and see!