My BFF Trish and I wanted to go on a trip to CKU~sometime. We thought we would have plenty of time to save for a trip like that. We heard that CKU was having it's LAST university session in Provo, Utah in August! We had some clever planning to do. She owns a grocery store and I have a daycare business. Whew, what will we do?
We then talked to our DH's and tried to get something in the works and they OK'd it! We talked about driving, then decided to fly instead. I had some world perks points racked up that we were saving. When USB Visa and NWA changed their plan for business it helped us decide even easier. I had to use the points and use a three week window for booking the tickets. I was saving them for an ER trip to Vermont to go home. I heard that under the emergency flights I would have to pay on top of using my points! My DH said I could use the points and we booked the flights to Salt Lake City, UT!
The start of planning our flight was a step in the right direction! We got two NON-STOP flights leaving on a Monday morning and coming back on a Monday..for $5.00 each! How awesome is that?!! I am so glad this was in GOD'S TIMING on when to GO!
This was our flight out of Minneapolis, MN and guess what? We got up at 3:30 am to leave for the airport. I hadn't felt well on Sunday morning. My stomache was a total wreck! I thought I was done in for. Monday at 3:30am I am reaching for a BUCKET! I made it to the airport for that flight to leave at 7:05 am. Little did we know that our flight was not going anywhere until 8:30 am. We asked what was wrong and they said that we have no flight crew! We finally started to board the plan at 9:15 am and finally were in the air by 9:45 am.
We are still working on the flight stuff to see if we can get any compensation. The moral of the story is that the bucket was close by till WEDNESDAY and I was fine for the start of CKU!
We did a personal tour through a scrapbooking store in Logan to go see the northern end of the famous scrapbooking companies. Being in rough shape I was going to pass on the long day and I went anyway...because that is what we came out here for and this was kick off day! There is more to come for the story! stay tuned!