Grandchildren come in and steal you of all your senses! Looking back at Summer of 2007 seems like a life time ago! Two years have passed and I am finally getting to make a stroybook just about them! I am really excited about this new adventure! I can't even count how many wonderful pictures I have of these time stealers! I remember this day so well. The lake was calm and the perfect blue! I will call this God's blue! These pictures reflect Rhyen and Brayden, Paige and Kyleigh being carefree to fish, play in the sand, make turtles in the sand. Butterflies were dancing on the beach, and we just sat. We watched, listened to the water, boats passing by, and the age old question
.."When will we catch some fish Grandma?" They got to learn about waiting this day as they played with their new fishing poles. As they played they had a blast and it was okay to just cast into the lake and to retrieve a little yellow fish! the fish by the way could leave welts on you when you got hit! Plus, it lasted only for a little while. That fish was the bugger that broke the line on Brayden's pole! It is no longer on there! We have the memories of this day and their first fishing pole!