Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tim's artful work

Tim Holt'z Class At CKU

Monday, August 17, 2009
CKU bags

Registration CKU Provo

We went to Pebbles in My Pocket and had our photos with the little CKU card board girl that was so cute and she just invited you to get your picture taken with her.
Pebbles wasn't too far from the Marriot Hotel where the event was taking place. They had givien us 40% off coupons for every day of the week that we were there attending the CKU event plus they stayed open until midnight for us! What a welcome!
Summer Trip to Provo, UT

Monday, June 15, 2009
Grand Children

Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Delight of Spring
It's about the Egg
So everyone asks or even wonders what came first; the CHICKEN or the EGG.
Every Easter we get out the dye, boil eggs and watch them so they don't break open, and so the tradition begins to make the best egg! You can claim your egg by writing your name on it, or dunk it in as many colors as you want to, or just be a boring egg and be one color. You can choose to let it sit for a short time and it is a pale color. A pale yellow, green, blue, pink, red, purple, orange. How I love a BRIGHT and VIVID colored egg. I love letting my egg to sit longer in the color and to soak in all that vibrant color to be a PERFECT egg.
Wonder and amazement comes while looking at that egg and then that question is still there; "What came first? The Chicken or the Egg?" Then and only then while spending time with kids or with family members do you think about the reason for this Easter Season. Tomorrow we will all be sitting in Church and listening to that message. It is the same message every year. John 3:16 "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..." Jesus was a good egg. He was there in Heaven when God created the heavens and the earth.
God then made man, filled the whole earth with animals that Adam named. So you see there is your answer, The Chicken came first. Noah built an ark to keep that chicken safe from the flood. It was after the flood that the egg came. Just as Mary came first Jesus was born from an earthly egg of Mary the same way that we were born of our mothers. Even though Jesus was First and born of an Egg is pretty amazing and how God is amazing too perform that miracle. If Jesus is and already was how can he come from an Egg? That mystery is far more something to dwell on over the CHICKEN and the EGG. It makes you think about Psalm 139:13 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14) I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful. I know that full well. 15) My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the SECRET PLACE.
All through our lives going back through time to our ancestors, some one was always there! Through the offspring of the women's egg we all came to being. So next Easter, remember that the Chicken was the masterpiece and the egg was the reward for God's great art. Just as you are a masterpiece from generation to generation being fat, skinny, flat hair, thin hair, thick hair, curly or straight. Whether you can sing, or can't carry a tune; you can still sing unto the Lord because you are precious in his sight because you are who you are designed to be! You are his beloved priceless work of art that came from an Egg from the Master Artist! I can't wait for next Easter to dye more eggs and ponder some more on what Christ has done for me! His perfect body that came through an EGG that was crushed beyond recognition so we can celebrate Easter dying eggs, eating CHOCOLATE, and see for ourselves GOD'S GLORY! I pray that you have him in your life so that you remain a GOOD EGG for ETERNITY!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Empty Nest Syndrome
Monday, March 9, 2009
Look for the little things
Our group has changed this year from our group picture last year. One mommy had twins! We are all excited to be leaving for a magical weekend to reconnect as friends, to laugh, be silly, and have a project finished. Some stay up all night, and others turn in early. We all have come form the same town. Some have moved away. Some live right next door and we never see each other! We've never shared coffee, tea, or water due to kids and grandkids! Life is busy so please can I find the cleaner??? I have to be packed!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
March Think Spring!
As I think about the first part of this posting, I think, February has been productive even if it wasn't in scrapbooking! March should be a whole lot better! I am going on retreat NEXT WEEKEND! I will be gone for FOUR DAYS! I think I will have to clean alot of stuff after walking through the mud! So to get to the smells of S-P-R-I-N-G we have to smell the mud of the earth and wipe our feet before we can smell the sweet aroma of grass!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Time Flies When....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Putting Lisa on the List
Yesterday I carved out the much needed time to get my hair cut. I will figure out what I will do today that I can do just for me. To start, I am going to watch Oprah's Best Life day two with Dr. Oz. Start planning this January to make it the Best Life year that I can. I wonder what new things will be in store for this year?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Story Book Creater Plus

This week there has been some consultant training on Memory Manager 2 through webinars at Creative Memories.
Our homework was to pick a picture and use the "Remove Color" tool.
I used the photo I thought would be something that would pop out. What better way to highlight a birthday of a little girl with shinning eyes.
I wanted to then bring in color through the words and the overlay that would enhance the cupcake. At first I used a sutle grey on the top and then changed it to the pink. I also used the tool to make it more transparent and light and airy. I hope this picture will add sunshine to anyone who sees it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
"May you be truely blessed to always glitter with a radiance that shines from deep within you." Barbara Becker Holstein